Nourish by MN350 features visionary leaders who are creating the regenerative, inclusive, local food economy we need to meet the challenge of climate change. We introduce you to real-world examples of the food system we’d like to create, discuss how their work is addressing the issues created by the industrial food system, and invite you to take action in support of our guests’ work and the work of MN350’s Food Systems Team.
Dean Dovolis, Karen Clark and Cassandra Holmes
East Phillips Neighborhood Institute
Our logo was designed by Fizz Design Collective.
Our theme music is Mensajero by Ecuador Manta. Based in St. Paul and started in 1972, Ecuador Manta is an Andean and Latino fusion group originating from a small village called Atahualpa in Ecuador, South America. Members include Alfonso Burga, Enrique Burga, and Juan Ruiz. Mensajero is a song that translates into English as “The Messenger”. It is a song about the connection and harmony of the natural world and law. The Messenger delivers a message of peace and unity for the world: we must honor and respect our natural world so we can restore joy, strength, and balance for humanity and the importance of the cooperative nature of all living things.
This podcast is produced entirely by a team of dedicated volunteers. If you’d like to be one of them, or would like to learn how to get involved in the work of MN350’s Food Systems team, contact Sarah Riedl (