Missing and Murdered Indigenous Relatives

“What happens to our land, happens to our people.”


The Missing and Murdered Indigenous Relatives (MMIR) epidemic has been linked to extractive industries, natural resource acquisition and an inequitable economy. With MN350 Action’s vision of a world free from the devastating effects of fossil-fuel consumption, MMIR work is another step towards the safe and healthy future that we all deserve.



We are asking our legislators to:

  • Protect those living in frontline communities from violence and environmental impacts that accompany the presence of extractive industries;
  • Require state agencies to act in the best interest of their obligations as treaty partners;
  • Uplift the voices of Native Communities and place Treaties above state law as the Supreme Law of the land as per Article VI of the United States Constitution.
  • Protect the Indian Child Welfare Act at the state level to safeguard changes to the Federal Indian Child Welfare Act decided by the United States Supreme Court.

We are currently tracking the following legislation:

Minnesota Indian Family Preservation Act (HF1071/SF667) — A bill aimed at keeping Native American children in the foster care system with Native American families

Office for missing and murdered Black women and girls establishment (HF55/SF19) — A bill to create an office for missing and murdered Black women and girls.

Why It Matters

MMIR is a direct result of extractive industries that harm indigenous people and their land. We work with leaders at every level to protect our people and our climate from the violence and environmental impacts of extractive industries. Through legislation and by holding decision-makers accountable, we can start to put an end to the violence against Indigenous people, our land, and our water.

To learn more about our work, contact Noelle Cirisan.