About MN350 Action


At MN350 Action, we envision a world free from the devastating effects of fossil-fuel consumption. A world where energy is renewable, sustainable, locally produced, and abundantly available to all. We imagine our children and grandchildren inheriting a future with clean water, clean air and a stable, healthy climate.

To do this, we must acknowledge and exorcise the many faces of oppression underlying our society and grow our respect for the natural world. We seek nothing less than a bold transition to a reality where all people– white, black, brown, indigenous, immigrant, rural and urban–share equally in the benefits of a just democracy.


MN 350 Action and its sister organization, MN 350, organized to promote climate justice– an economically and racially just transition to a clean energy economy– through ongoing public education and community organizing throughout Minnesota and the Midwest. While both groups work toward the same vision, MN 350 Action allows for more direct political action through the endorsement of candidates who understand the urgent need for climate action, promotion of policies weaning us off dirty fossil fuels, and by direct lobbying for the rapid transition to renewable energy throughout our state.


MN 350 Action works to amplify the voices of Minnesotans who are concerned with healing a climate under attack by Big Oil. Through a strong sustaining member base we can show our elected officials that Minnesota wants common sense, science-based climate policy. Members build a shared vision of a clean energy future through action team meetings, canvassing, community education, and legislative events. Our members and volunteers work together in service of a just, healthy, and sustainable future for all.